Thursday, December 6, 2007

Are You Smarter Than An American?

Two Videos That Give Clear Evidence of American Superiority

Sing with me...

"So I'm proud to be a U.S. American,
Where at least I know I'm free.
I don't know much of anything else,
But it's all that matters to me."
And I gladly stand up, next to you
and embarass us all today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
America is - such as - a country
God bless the USA.


Anonymous said...

did you notice they are both BLONDE!? ;)

Slightly Skewed said...

Wow. Now THAT'S scary!

BJ said...

Miss South Carolina - did she win the competition? I'm still trying to work out what she was trying to say...

Quote of the second video: "I thought Europe was a country" closely followed by: "They could call this show 'Are You Smarter than a Man" - now there's a concept!